Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Having diabetes can be stressful on its own, and this condition can also contribute to hair loss and other secondary symptoms that can make managing it even more challenging. Here are some of the most important things to know about why having diabetes may contribute to an increased susceptibility to experiencing hair loss and how our hair loss solutions can help you manage your hair loss and create a more natural-looking appearance. 

Understanding Hair Loss 

Diabetes is one of many types of health conditions that have the potential to cause hair loss. Other illnesses and the medications used to treat them can also cause similar problems, as can vitamin deficiencies and other dietary issues, hormonal changes, stress, and skin conditions. It is common for people with diabetes to also be experiencing one or more of these concerns, although it is also possible for diabetes to be solely responsible for hair loss. While not every individual with diabetes will ultimately experience a noticeable amount of hair loss, it is important to keep your other medical conditions in mind when working with us to determine the cause of your hair loss and the best treatment options. 

Diabetes and Hair Loss: What’s the Connection? 

Diabetes occurs when your body is unable to produce enough insulin, which causes too much sugar to build up in your blood instead of being processed properly and leads to a wide range of lesser-known symptoms. This excessive sugar can damage your organs and blood vessels, and blood vessels that are unable to function properly can prevent your hair from growing normally by being unable to provide enough oxygen to keep your hair follicles from supporting your hair correctly. While hair typically goes through phases that consist of approximately 2 cm of hair growth per month for at least two months, diabetes can slow hair growth and lead to more hair loss than normal. 

Types of Hair Loss Associated With Diabetes 

Diabetes can be linked to several possible reasons for hair loss. Hair follicle problems that are caused by not receiving enough oxygen are one common cause of hair loss that is related to diabetes, and this concern can impact all the hair on your body in addition to the hair on your head. However, you may also experience hair loss or slower growth as a side effect of another issue related to diabetes or another health condition that is more common in people with diabetes.

For example, people with diabetes are more likely to have thyroid disease or alopecia areata than people who do not have diabetes. Alopecia areata is a type of immune condition that causes your immune system to attack your hair follicles as they might a disease, which can cause hair to fall out in specific patches. Thyroid disease can increase hair loss because certain hormone changes can disrupt your hair growth cycle or cause hair to fall out. Secondary issues associated with having diabetes may also contribute to hair loss, such as side effects of your medications or the frequent stress associated with having a chronic health condition. 

From Diagnosis to Solutions: Navigating the Hair Loss Journey With TM Hair’s Support 

At TM Hair, we know that dealing with hair loss can be challenging, especially if it is a result of another health condition. Whether your hair concerns are related to diabetes, stress, or something else altogether, our caring and knowledgeable team is here to help individuals in Houston and surrounding areas understand why their hair may not be staying in place or growing as effectively as it should and find solutions that can help to reverse the problems they are experiencing. Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation and free scalp analysis to help us determine how we can best manage your hair loss!

Image Credit Shutterstock/Arlette Lopez

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